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กัญญ์พัสวี กล่อมธงเจริญ


This research is proposed to study the quality of life among organic agriculture farmers in Chiang Mai Province in order to compare the quality of life among organic agriculture farmers in Chiang Mai Province according to gender, age, education and annual income so as to study problems as well as ways to improve the quality of life among organic agriculture farmers in Chiang Mai Province. The research is a combination of both qualitative research and quantitative research. The population involves eighty-two associations that are members of organic agriculture farmers in Chiang Mai Province, and are accredited by The Northern Organic Agricultural Standard. The research tools are questionnaires and interviews. The analysis is conducted via  descriptive statistics in forms of frequency distribution, percentage and mean. The research hypothesis is testified via inferential statistics.

                The study reveals that the majority of organic agriculture farmers are female at the age between 51 and 60 years old and graduated primary/  secondary levels of education. Their monthly income is not more than 10,000 baht. Their quality of life is at the best level in all aspects: health and function, social and economic roles, spiritual roles as well as family. According to the comparison concerning the quality of life based on gender, age, education and annual income, organic agriculture farmers who are of different gender, age, education and annual income do not express any differences concerning quality of life in terms of health, social and economic roles, spiritual roles as well as family. They do not face any problems in the stated terms except family. The problem is that their offspring tend to move to work in cities. These offspring abandon and do not inherit their parents' agriculture way of life. As a result, the number of organic agriculture farmers as well as the number of organic agricultural products tend to be decreasing while the consumers' demand is continually increasing. Improvement trend is that associated organizations should cooperate to motivate the young generation to participate and inherit their parents' organic agriculture.

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How to Cite
กล่อมธงเจริญ ก. (2018). QUALITY OF LIFE AMONG ORGANIC AGRICULTURE FARMERS CHIANG MAI PROVINCE. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 12(1), 59–90. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmscrru/article/view/119867
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Author Biography

กัญญ์พัสวี กล่อมธงเจริญ

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