Sufficiency Thinking: Principle of Conserving Cultural Heritage of North-Eastern Region toward Sustainability of Community Based Tourism

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ณัฏฐินิ ทองดี


Community Based Tourism (CBT) is the one type of alternative tourism which is based on sustainable tourism and human right concept. This community based tourism focus on tourist responsibility to social capital both of natural heritage based and cultural heritage based which is tourism management capital. At the present time, Thailand has concerning in developing community based tourism. By considering in tourism policy and CBT the strategic plan year 2016-2020 of the government policy. North - eastern region or E-san region is the biggest region the Thailand. Thus, north – eastern region of Thailand has diversity, identity, and significance of cultural heritage. This region has develop community based tourism in many areas and used cultural heritage as tourism capital and resource. Thus, trends of sustainability in tourism and conserving of cultural heritage for next generation should base on the middle path of Buddhism religion which is directly to sufficient philosophy of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej. 

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ทองดี ณ. (2018). Sufficiency Thinking: Principle of Conserving Cultural Heritage of North-Eastern Region toward Sustainability of Community Based Tourism. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 12(1), 35–58. retrieved from
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Author Biography

ณัฏฐินิ ทองดี

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