Development of Efficiency up on Roles and Duties toward Chief of the Tambon & Village Headman

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พรชัย เทพปัญญา


The purposes of this research were to study the development of efficiency up on roles and duties of Chief Administrator of Tambon & Village Headman.  The result of the research shows that the institute of Chief Administrator of Tambon & Village Headman has been founded and established since King Rama the Fifth with the Role, Duty, responsibilities according to the Local Administration Act in B.E. 2457.  Thus to form and make selection in supporting and encouraging by the scholarship for studying further for bachelor degree, or, to master degree in all private and government Institution.  In addition, Department of Provincial Administration has set up training courses emphasizing all matter of public affair administration the benefit of public as well as ministerial regulation, customary law, national law and important enactment build up manual text for duties and responsibilities following the principles of righteousness guardian, and in the mean while setting up local and abroad field trips, along with welfare, and benefits after retirement. The relationship or link between the Chief Administrator of Tam Bon & Village Headman with this government institutes, is poor in coordination due to own duties and responsibilities of each institute resulting in the less mutual performance.  The suggestion form the research is made to create the actual mutual understanding, and action plan in task creation between Chief Administrator for Tam Bon & Village Headman with the Department of Provincial Administration.  Another advice is to upgrade the role and duties as well as responsibilities if the Chief Administrator of Tam Bon & Village Headman.  Then summarize the research result and submit to the Department of Provincial Administration for consideration in future.

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How to Cite
เทพปัญญา พ. (2018). Development of Efficiency up on Roles and Duties toward Chief of the Tambon & Village Headman. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 12(2), 181–202. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

พรชัย เทพปัญญา

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