Strategic Marketing Plan for Nittayo Café, Phang Khon District Sakonnakhon

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สุกัญญา อัคพิน
รศ.รังสรรค์ เนียมสนิท


This study aimed to explore customer behaviors and the factors of service marketing mix affecting decision making in choosing Café service in Phang Khon District Sakonnakhon and to plan marketing strategy for Nittayo Café that is located in Phang Khon District Sakonnakhon. A set of questionnaires was used for data collection administered with a sample group of 400 customers obtained by non-probability and convenience sampling who have been used Café service in Phang Khon District Sakonnakhon. The data analyses included percentage, mean, standard deviation. This study used the Cronbach alpha coefficient to measure reliability and found reliability 0.884 of pilot study.

The result of this study found the most important factors affecting decision making in choosing Café service are the taste of beverage and bakery, the variety of menu, the quality of material, the reasonable price, the clearly price menu, the convenient commute, the enough parking space, the enough staff, the expert of staff, the service mind, the politeness in service, the enthusiastic of staff, the customer service system, the service speed, the service accuracy, the beautiful decoration, the enough seat, the shop purity, the clearly sign and the internet service. Then, the study was analyzed the external environment by analyzing competitive environment and general environment (PESTE Analysis) and was analyzed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT Analysis), the marketing mix (Marketing Mix: 7P’s) and strategic analysis (SWOT Analysis). The study was led to plan marketing strategy. Short-term strategies included 1) advertising, contact and sale promotion 2) increased distribution channel 3) training and developing staffs. About long-term strategies included 1) point collection card 2) shop renovation. It is clear that the plan was expected to increase sales of Nittayo Café at least 10 percent in 2016.


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อัคพิน ส., & เนียมสนิท ร. (2019). Strategic Marketing Plan for Nittayo Café, Phang Khon District Sakonnakhon. Journal of Management Science, Ubon Ratchathani University, 8(15), 28–46. Retrieved from
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