The Development of a Model Explaining the Support for Responsible Tourism Management of Local Residents
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This article aims to develop a model to better understand the factors influencing local residents' support for responsible tourism management. The model encompasses five latent variables and sixteen observational variables, and its analysis involved a structural equation model based on data collected from 200 local residents through questionnaires. The study's outcomes reveal a significant correlation between responsible tourism management and the enhancement of local people's satisfaction with quality of life. This discovery emphasizes the importance of fostering support for responsible tourism practices among local residents. Additionally, the study highlights the need for effective communication and information dissemination regarding responsible tourism guidelines within the community, especially concerning the preservation of local tourist attractions. Therefore, to encourage local people to participate and support responsible tourism management in the community, relevant sectors should regularly inform local people about responsible tourism management in the community. A forum should be set up to provide residents with an opportunity to actively engage in responsible tourism management. In addition to further encouraging community support, it is recommended to organize community-based tourism activities that not only showcase residents' empathy towards fellow citizens but also extend their warmth and care to visitors. This approach not only bolsters backing for responsible tourism in the community but also contributes to an overall increase in people's satisfaction with their quality of life.
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