Competency Development of Stakeholders in Sustainable Tourism: A Mixed-methods Case Study in Koh Mak Subdistrict, Pak Payoon District, Patthalung Province
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This study aims to determine how to enhance stakeholder participation in sustainable tourism in Koh Mak subdistrict, Pak Payoon district, Patthalung province, Thailand. The research sample included 39 individuals from the community, private, and public sectors. This study is a mixed-methods investigation that combines quantitative and qualitative findings to confirm their consistency. Data from the quantitative research was analyzed by comparing the mean scores before and after the competency development process for sustainable tourism. Data from the qualitative research was analyzed by content analysis. The quantitative research revealed that the overall and dimensionally average scores increased after the competency development process. However, statistical analysis revealed that the mean scores were not different before and after the intervention. The qualitative research demonstrated an increase in stakeholders' competence in sustainable tourism. Due to the fact that competency development is a time-consuming and ongoing activity, it takes time to grasp the results clearly. Generally, the findings indicate that organizations involved in the tourism industry must comprehend and consistently implement the competency development process to enable communities to perform better and effectively manage sustainable tourism.
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