Relationships among Individual Risk, Compliance Risk and Financial Report Risk: A Case Study From Government Auditors

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Piyaphisak Jearasukon
Suree Bosakoranut


        This research aimed to analyze (1) the relationship of risk factors and (2) the influence of risk factors on financial report risk. The data collection was carried out from 8 regional audit office no 1-15 and 461 internal and external government auditors. The instruments used were interview form and questionnaire. The data analysis was done by descriptive and inferential statistics.

        This research found that: (1) the individual risk factor and the compliance risk factor had positive relationship with financial report risk; (2) the individual risk and compliance risk factors had positive influence on financial report risk. The path coefficient values were .144, .455 and .661 respectively.

        Findings of this research can help establish and create guidelines for fraud preventing in both public and private organizations. In addition, it can be used for encouraging executives to realize the importance of internal control system which helps reflect the transparency and reliability of financial reporting.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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