Transformational Leadership of School Administrators under Secondary Education Service Area Office 4


  • Thongchai Tapalee Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi
  • Pimolpun Phetsombat


transformational leadership, school administrator, Secondary Education Service Area Office 4


 This research aimed to 1) investigate the transformational leadership of school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 4, and 2) construct the practical approach of transformational leadership of school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 4. The sample in the research consisted of 364 teachers from 43 schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 4 in the academic year 2019. The key informants in the interview were comprised of five administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 4. The instruments for data collection included a questionnaire and interview form. To analyze the data, the researcher conducted the statistics consisting of percentage, frequency, mean, and standard deviation for the quantitative research, and the content analysis for the qualitative study. Findings revealed that 1) the overall transformational leadership of school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 4 was at a medium level. Considering the particular side, the result showed that prestige was the highest mean. The second highest value was composed of individual considerations and inspiration. The lowest average was the activation of intelligence. 2) The practical approach of transformational leadership of school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 4 discovered the four dimensions. (1) Prestige: school administrators created a considerable impression on the teachers and developed oneself as role model continuously. (2) Inspiration: school administrators steadily grew themselves to be respected by teachers in the school, raised awareness for all personnel about the roles and responsibilities, and set a shared vision to lead the school to the same intended success. (3) The activation of intelligence: school administrators were encouraging teachers to realize that the problem became an excellent opportunity for self-training with promotion and assignment for teachers and school personnel to gain responsibility based on their abilities. (4) The individual considerations: school administrators paid attention to operational problems and personal problems, by studying, analyzing, finding ways to carefully follow and solve the problems of all teachers and personnel.



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How to Cite

Tapalee, T., & Phetsombat, P. . (2020). Transformational Leadership of School Administrators under Secondary Education Service Area Office 4. Journal of MCU Buddhapanya Review, 5(3), 43–54. Retrieved from



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