Leadership of Lady Executives 4.0 Era


  • Ornpapat ๋Jantarasakha Bangkokthonburi University


Leadership, Women, Executives in the 4.0 Era


The objectives of this research paper are 1) to study the factors that affect the success of female executive leadership in the 4.0 era, and 2) to study the problems/obstacles of female executive leadership in the 4.0 era. Selection of important information providers with knowledge Expertise and related to the subject well studied.  A total of 18 students used a specific sampling method and analyzed the content to analyze the content and then write a descriptive lecture.

          The results of the research show that: 1) Factors that affect the success of female executive leadership in the 4.0 era are: 1.1 Organizational planning, 1.2 Leadership: Convince subordinates in the organization to lead the organization and team in a better direction, and 1.3 Control: Must be a good example to subordinates and manage with mental happiness in mind, 2) Problems and obstacles, general factors, 3.1 Psychology: Contribute to work. 3.2 Social Aspects: The current society still blocks the potential and abilities of women. 3.4 Organizational Support: Influencing Women's Leadership in Performance Inspiration for work, knowledge, and opportunities for advancement in the field Women leaders in the 4.0 era must adapt to changing conditions by learning new things, including language and technology, because they are important tools for successful work. You must have the courage to change to be a pioneer. Make a difference and visualize the future of the organization in advance.


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How to Cite

๋Jantarasakha O. . . (2019). Leadership of Lady Executives 4.0 Era. Journal of MCU Buddhapanya Review, 4(3), 505–516. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmbr/article/view/222965



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