The Development of the Evaluation System for the Strategic Plans at the Faculty Level of Rajamangala University of Technology


  • Samphan Suksai Burapha University


การพัฒนา, ระบบประเมิน, แผนยุทธศาสตร์ระดับคณะ, มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล


This research aims to 1) Study of the implementation of the evaluation system of the strategic plan at the faculty level of Rajamangala University of Technology 2) Develop a system to assess the strategic plan at the faculty level of Rajamangala University of Technology and 3) Trial and evaluation of the strategic plan of the Faculty of Rajamangala University of Technology The sample group used in the research was University administrators Faculty level administrators Teacher and support staff of 9 Rajamangala University of Technology, 392 students Acquired by multi-stage random sampling and Experts criticize and give recommendations to the form of assessment and development of the strategic plan of 17 people            The research found that             1) State of the system to assess the strategic plan at the faculty level The overall picture is appropriate at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that System for evaluating strategic plans at the faculty level. With the highest mean Determining the framework for evaluating the strategic plan at the faculty level Is appropriate at a high level followed by process for evaluating the strategic plan at the faculty level Is appropriate at a high level The lowest average is the quality of measurement in assessing the strategic plan at the faculty level is appropriate at a high level             2) The result of the development of the evaluation system of the strategic plan at the faculty level Rajamangala University of Technology by applying Delphi techniques Check consistency. Found that the development of the system to assess the strategic plan at the faculty level Rajamangala University of Technology with the correctness and appropriateness in every level of every item and every expert item has a consistent opinion             3) Evaluation results of the evaluation system of the strategic plan at the faculty level of Rajamangala University of Technology When used to evaluate the sample group, it was found that the evaluation system for the strategic plan at the faculty level of Rajamangala University of Technology, all 5 strategies, as a whole possibility and usefulness at a high level.

Key Word: The Development; Evaluation System; The Strategic Plans; the Faculty Level of Rajamangala University of Technology


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How to Cite

Suksai, S. (2020). The Development of the Evaluation System for the Strategic Plans at the Faculty Level of Rajamangala University of Technology. Journal of MCU Buddhapanya Review, 4(3), 581–592. Retrieved from



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