The Application of Line BOT and Encryption Techniques in Securing Data from Screen Capturing of Online Social Media Conversations


  • Phuminun Bua-ngam Department of Education, Navaminda Kasatriyadhiraj Royal Air Force Academy, Thailand
  • Sirunya Thanompolkrang Department of Education, Navaminda Kasatriyadhiraj Royal Air Force Academy, Thailand



Line BOT, Encryption, Decryption, Screen capture image


Purpose: To prevent and secure against issues regarding conversation data that may be accessed through screen capturing, which posting risks of leakage or misuse of important information.

Methodology: The research employed a Line BOT system that provides encryption and decryption services for conversations between interlocutors, serving as a tool to ensure communication security through the Line application. The system was tested by 50 personnel of the Royal Thai Air Force.

Findings: The application of the Line BOT system, which encrypts and decrypts messages between conversation partners, helps reduce the risk of repercussions from capturing conversation pages. Air Force personnel from all four regions evaluated the system and determined it to be effective, trustworthy in terms of security, operating correctly, convenient and stable.

Applications of this study: The results of this study can be used to address and mitigate security issues related to conversation data that could be obtained through screen captures.



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How to Cite

Bua-ngam, P., & Thanompolkrang , S. (2024). The Application of Line BOT and Encryption Techniques in Securing Data from Screen Capturing of Online Social Media Conversations. Journal of Information Science Research and Practice, 42(4), 102–116.



Research Article