The Competency of Teacher Librarians for Providing School Library Services Smart




Teacher librarian, School library, Covid-19


Purpose: To analyze the knowledge and ability of teacher librarians for providing school library services smart.

Methodology: Survey research method was employed. The researcher used a questionnaire to collect data from a quota sampling of teacher librarians working in school libraries under Educational Service Area Offices throughout Thailand. 323 school librarians participated. In which, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews with 16 school librarians of primary schools under the Office of Primary Education Region 1, Khon Kaen Province. Quantitative data were analyzed by using statistics. Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation while qualitatively using content analysis.

Findings: Most teacher librarians do not have a degree in librarian science or related fields. Only 19.81 percent of teacher librarians have graduated in librarian science. Most of them were assigned from school administrators to be responsible for school libraries, volunteered to work at school libraries, and rotate to take care of school libraries. In terms of the competence of teacher librarians, teacher librarians had the highest library services capacity ( = 2.24), while their capacity to collaborate with communities had the lowest average ( = 1.99). In which was consistent with the results of the study from the interview, teacher librarians have the capacity to provide school library services, especially reading promotion services; however, they still lacked of competence in using information technology for library administration and services.

Applications of this study: Library schools and elementary schools can apply the research results to develop library plan as well as school librarians’ competency in order to use for school library services and management and be consistent with library's services in the next normal.


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How to Cite

Kwiecien, K., Hoaihongthong, S., Chitiyaphol, J., Phrompan, I., & Cheounchom, S. (2022). The Competency of Teacher Librarians for Providing School Library Services Smart. Journal of Information Science Research and Practice, 40(2), 116–133.



Research Article