The Evolution of Human Resource Management in Thailand: Phenomenological Research

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Asst. Prof. Wannapa Luekitinan, Ph.D.
Asst. Prof. Kanvalai Nontakeaw Ferry, Ph.D.


This study was qualitative research that used phenomenology strategies. The research objective aimed to study the evolution of human resources management in Thailand from the perspective of human resources experts. Key informants were five human resources experts who have more than 30 years of experience in the human resources management field and used to hold the position or are currently holding executive positions in human resource management associations, institutes, or clubs. The data gathering used purposive sampling through online interviews. For data analysis, content analysis was employed. The findings revealed that the evolution of human resource management in Thailand was divided into seven periods: The 1st period (the beginning of personnel management) - before 1965, the 2nd Period 1965-1975, the 3rd 1976- 1985, the 4th period 1986-1995, the 5th period 1996-2005, the 6th period 2006-2015 and the 7th period 2016 to present. Moreover, political events, economic and social policy, and the changing world situation affected Thailand's organizations and human resources management.

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How to Cite
Luekitinan, W., & Nontakeaw Ferry, K. (2024). The Evolution of Human Resource Management in Thailand: Phenomenological Research. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 14(1), 107–122. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Asst. Prof. Wannapa Luekitinan, Ph.D., Faculty of Business Administration, Burapha University



Asst. Prof. Kanvalai Nontakeaw Ferry, Ph.D., Faculty of Business Administration, Burapha University




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