The Role of Lautze Mosque: The Representation of Double Identity of Overseas Chinese Muslims in Jakarta and Bandung

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Ikrar Genidal Riadil
Asst. Prof. Dr. Pim Samara Yarapirom


The primary goals of this qualitative research are to understand the phenomenon of double identity that these mosques symbolize and to examine how Chinese culture has been adapted to Indonesian society through Chinese mosques in Jakarta and Bandung District. This study used participant observation and comprehensive discussions as its primary qualitative research techniques. In addition, the population and sample of this study are one of the heads of Lautze Mosque in Jakarta, one of the heads of Lautze Mosque 2 in Bandung, and four overseas Chinese Muslims in Jakarta and Bandung. There were three steps to analyze the data: first, the data from the information, related documents, and interviews will be analyzed using content analysis and analyzed using the theoretical framework for the rough study. Second, the researcher reviewed the information by using triangulation. Last, the data were analyzed thoroughly again and published. The Chinese mosques are part of maintaining and expressing Chinese culture. This phenomenon is present in the double identity form. The Chinese mosques represent the hybridity of culture and double identity through art, religious activities, and figures of symbols.

Chinese mosques are involved with various public and private organizations and have a role in Indonesian society through public benefit activities and social welfare. The double identity representation relates to interaction and negotiation in society between Indonesian and Overseas Chinese and the relationship between the majority group and the minority group.

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How to Cite
Riadil, I. G., & Samara Yarapirom, P. (2023). The Role of Lautze Mosque: The Representation of Double Identity of Overseas Chinese Muslims in Jakarta and Bandung. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 13(2), 107–124. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Ikrar Genidal Riadil, Faculty of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus

M.A Candidate


Asst. Prof. Dr. Pim Samara Yarapirom, Faculty of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University







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