The Study of Situations, Factors and Impacts on Safety, Occupational Health and Working Environment of Food Delivery Motorcyclists

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kittichai Athikulrat
Sirat Jangruxsakul
Rachata Khumboon
Suparat Kata
Kittigar Laowattanaroj
Paritthipong Samsang
Thanawan Ritthichai


The aim is to study the situations, factors and impacts on safety, occupational health, and the environment when working as a food delivery rider in the Bangkok metropolitan area. By collecting both qualitative and quantitative data by means of interviews with one platform administrator, 40 food delivery riders, 21 restaurants, and 20 customers, the results show that the riders are not employees and work both full and part-time for 12-14 and 2-4 hours, respectively. Their performance was found to  comply with traffic regulations and the Motorcycle Accident Victim Protection Act. The platform conducted job assignments and supervised rider performance while restaurants and customers could support safety and occupational health by providing suitable space for motorcycle parking to facilitate food delivery and waiting areas for food collection from restaurants. Based on the opinions expressed in the questionnaire with 465 responses out of 480 (96.875% response rate) the results reveal the factors identified by the respondents that impact safety at work in order of frequency: 1. motorcycle and accessory availability, 2. weather and working environment, 3. roads and delivery routes, 4.working procedure, 5. individual matters and, finally 6. platform policy and related people. Furthermore, the three most-frequently expressed opinions in regard to unsafe working were minor injuries, property damage, and lack of income for their family while the three most-frequently mentioned effects on occupational health were fatigue, sun-burn on the back of the hand and nape, and skin disease.

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How to Cite
Athikulrat, kittichai, Jangruxsakul, S., Khumboon, R., Kata, S., Laowattanaroj, K., Samsang, P., & Ritthichai, T. (2023). The Study of Situations, Factors and Impacts on Safety, Occupational Health and Working Environment of Food Delivery Motorcyclists. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 13(2), 53–66. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

kittichai Athikulrat, Department of Materials Handling and Logistics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok



Sirat Jangruxsakul, College of Innovative Business and Accountancy Dhurakij Pundit University



Rachata Khumboon, College of Innovative Business and Accountancy Dhurakij Pundit University



Suparat Kata, Operational Level. Research and Development Office Thailand Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Public Organization)



Kittigar Laowattanaroj, Operational Level. Research and Development Office Thailand Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Public Organization)



Paritthipong Samsang, Professional Level. Research and Development Office. Thailand Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Public Organization)



Thanawan Ritthichai, Professional Level. Research and Development Office. Thailand Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Public Organization)




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