Jeju and Phuket Islands in Transitions: A Comparative Study on the Government’s Development Policies and Their Impacts on the Two Islands

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Korntouch Chartarayawadee
Tagsina Sripracha


This research aims to explore: 1) how the government’s development policies in recent decades have impacted the South Korean Island of Jeju and Thailand’s Phuket Island; 2) the state of the government decentralization in both countries which can either facilitate or hinder such developments; and 3) the role of civil society in promoting balanced developments on the two islands. The study employs a qualitative approach that applies the Most Similar System Design inspired by John Stuart Mill and is based on the premise that these three factors, namely government policies, decentralization, and civil society, are inextricably linked and necessary for the two countries to achieve their sustainable development goals.

The research result shows that the government’s development policies of both South Korea and Thailand have paradoxically similarly impacted these two islands. While many policies aim to promote sustainable development, their policies promoting growth in tourism and investment have caused several environmental problems and made locals' lives more volatile. Differences between the two countries are perceived in the aspects of their state of government decentralization and the role of civil society. As for government decentralization, the status of “autonomous island” for Jeju appears more promising in giving locals the right to choose their sustainable path, even though with several limitations. On the other hand, Thailand’s unfinished decentralization has kept Phuket heavily reliant on central initiatives, resulting in weak and ineffective local administrations whose authorities are derived from local citizens. In terms of the role of civil society, the civil society in Jeju is strong and well-connected, whereas, in Phuket, such qualities need to be promoted to enhance citizens’ roles in cooperating with the government and adhering to policy direction that benefits all parties and sustains good quality of life for islanders.

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How to Cite
Chartarayawadee, K., & Sripracha, T. (2023). Jeju and Phuket Islands in Transitions: A Comparative Study on the Government’s Development Policies and Their Impacts on the Two Islands. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 13(2), 67–88. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Tagsina Sripracha, Faculty of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University




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