A Serial Mediation Model of User Motivation, User Satisfaction, Emotional Commitment on Continuance Intention of Thai millennial Youtube users

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Worapoj Sirichareechai
Raweepan Kanjanawat
Lalida Kaewshai


Prior studies in consumer behavior signified to investigate the motivation and continuance intention in virtual communities by applying several related theories to explain this phenomenon; for instant, Uses and Gratifications Theory, Stimulus-Organism-Response Theory, Technology Acceptance Model and Expectation Confirmation Model. However, limited studies examined the composition of Uses and Gratifications theory and Expectation Confirmation Model in virtual community’s usage of Thai millennial on a specific channel. Therefore, this research focused on the investigation of a serial mediation model of user motivation on continuance intention of YouTube users in Thailand: the central role of user satisfaction and emotional commitment, which explained by the inclusion of Uses and Gratifications theory and Expectation Confirmation Model. There were 200 respondents who were members in virtual communities and have subscribed food channels. The target respondents were born between 1981 and 2000. The serial mediation effects were assessed by Ordinary Least Square Regression model and Bootstrap approach. The finding of this research demonstrated that only user satisfaction may not be able to generate continuance intention in virtual communities. While, there is a significantly indirect effect of emotional commitment between user motivation of entertainment value and information consumption value on continuance intention. Nevertheless, the relationship between user’s motivation (entertainment value and information consumption) and continuance intention was better explained by the mediation of user’s satisfaction and emotional commitment. This research also indicated the keen comprehension of virtual communities’ users for generating self-congruency message for remaining their users and expanding brand preference.

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How to Cite
Sirichareechai , W. ., Kanjanawat , R. ., & Kaewshai, L. . (2021). A Serial Mediation Model of User Motivation, User Satisfaction, Emotional Commitment on Continuance Intention of Thai millennial Youtube users. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 11(1), 253–287. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jis/article/view/252558
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