Marketing strategy influencing the decision of visitors to revisit accommodation business in Amphawa Sub-District Amphawa District Samut Songkhram Province

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Natnicha Arakvanich


Quantitative research aimed to study marketing strategies that influence decision-making to return to the accommodation business in Amphawa Sub-district, Amphawa District, Samut Songkhram Province. The instrument used a questionnaire. The sample includes 160 Thai tourists by the quota sampling method. Use inference analysis of statistics, including frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, T-test, F-test, and multiple regression statistics.

The results showed that the sample population was the same number (50%) of women and men. Most of the samples were 20-29 years old, undergraduate students, students, and average monthly income was lower than or equal to 15,000 baht. The behavior of consumers found that the people who traveled were family/ relatives, with the purpose of resting, choosing a standard room type for 1 night, the location influenced to the visitors to stay, and the family/relatives were the most influential people to decide on the business service. In term of the marketing strategies, it was found that the product aspect (X1), and the distribution channel (X3) had an effect on the decision to revisit the service with the statistical significance of 0.05, the forecast equation was Y=0.443+(0.515)X1+(0.364)X3

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How to Cite
Arakvanich, N. (2021). Marketing strategy influencing the decision of visitors to revisit accommodation business in Amphawa Sub-District Amphawa District Samut Songkhram Province. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 11(2), 332–354. retrieved from
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