The Cost and Return Analysis on Oil Palm Incubation of Oil Palm Traders, the Case Study of Oil Palm Traders in Suratthani Province
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The research aimed to 1) study on the oil palm incubation activities of oil palm traders and 2) analyze cost and benefit of oil palm incubation. Data were collected by using questionnaire from 15 oil palm traders in Suratthani. Data analysis included descriptive analysis and cost benefit analysis on oil palm incubation activities. The study results indicated that 1) incubation activities of oil palm traders included the purchasing of raw oil palm, watering oil palm to increase weight, keeping oil palm overnight at the ramps, swaying and separating fruit from oil palm bunch, and repeating sell of return oil palm 2) the incubation cost of oil palm trader was 0.0363 baht per kilogram. The major cost was labor with watering function. The revenue from selling separated fruits was the mainly benefit from incubation process. This resulted in the net benefit of 0.2090 baht per kilogram for oil palm trader. It showed that the incubation traders would receive higher returns.
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