Characteristic of Medical Secretary in 21th Century

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Asst. Prof.Pawina Spiller, Ph.D.


This article aims for two reasons: the first, it reviews the basic knowledge about the theory research of the characteristics of Medical Secretary in hospital. The second, it offers the characteristic of a medical secretary in the 21st century. This is a literature review. It was found that the knowledge of the basics of the characteristic of medical secretary in hospital. Under the basic concept of improving work efficiency in a rapidly changing environment. The study found that: the personnel of the medical secretary division in the 21st century has nine characteristics: academic and information technology skills; empathy; accountability; analytical and innovation thinking; integrity; cooperation; team working; honoring and respect; self-development.

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How to Cite
Spiller, P. (2021). Characteristic of Medical Secretary in 21th Century. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 11(2), 1–26. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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