Marketing Mix Analysis for Goethe Institute Based on 4P and 4C Theory

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Ren Jianting
Gao Feng


Since stepping into the 21st century, cross-cultural institutions have been playing more and more influential roles in some cultural stages including language spreading and learning, non-governmental exchanges between countries, and country image display. Their successes in a marketing operation and as a management model are valuable experiences for every country's cultural institutions to study and use for reference. This article aims at giving some inspirations to other country's cross-cultural institutions by analyzing the marketing mix strategies adopted by GOETHE INSTITUTE, one advanced example of cross-cultural institutions, and summarizing its successful experience in marketing operation.

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How to Cite
Jianting, R. ., & Feng, G. (2012). Marketing Mix Analysis for Goethe Institute Based on 4P and 4C Theory . Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 2(1), 55–64. retrieved from
Academic Articles
Author Biography

Gao Feng, Faculty of International Trade and Business, Sydney Institute of Language and Commerce, Shanghai Universit



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