The Scent of Roses Reaches but Passersby Lin Yu-tang's Reverse Writing and Sino-U.S. Cultural Exchanges

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He Ke


Lin Yu-tang (1895-1976), a Chinese writer who possessed not only an original view of Chinese and Western culture, but also had a good grounding in language skills (both Chinese and English), played the role of communication bridge and cultural ambassador during the Chinese-Western cultural exchanges in Modern Times. Reverse writing, that is writing political essays and novels on China-related topics in English, was far better received by American readers than by domestic readers. This article is to analyze the "The Scent of Roses Reaches but Passersby" phenomenon, to reveal the characteristics of Sino-U.S. Cultural exchanges in modern times, and to interpret the contribution and influence of Lin Yu-tang's reverse writing to trans-cultural exchanges.

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How to Cite
Ke, H. (2012). The Scent of Roses Reaches but Passersby Lin Yu-tang’s Reverse Writing and Sino-U.S. Cultural Exchanges . Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 2(1), 19–26. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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