The Effects of the Memorandum of Understanding to Televise Thai Soap Operas in P.R. China

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Jirameth Rungruang


Thai soap operas have become increasingly popular among Chinese TV and Internet audience in recent years. As China is a massive potential market, introducing Thai soap operas to China is an important business opportunity for Thailand. In order to support the Thai entertainment business, the Thai and Chinese governments together signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 12th November, 2010, whereby Thai soap operas would be broadcast through China Central Television (CCTV) and each provincial television stations. The objective of this paper is to analyse the range of effects resulting from this co-operation. The study showed that Thailand benefits by this MOU. Conversely, Thai producers have been affected negatively by Chinese audience. It was found that consuming styles of the audience was only a negligible influence.

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How to Cite
Rungruang, J. (2011). The Effects of the Memorandum of Understanding to Televise Thai Soap Operas in P.R. China. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 1(2), 37–46. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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