Translation as an Instrument in Descriptive Linguistic Research. Tricks Played on and Pitfalls Encountered by Field Linguists: A Case Study of Urak Lawoi

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Jacob Y de Groot


Translation is an all too easily accepted instrument in linguistic field research. Linguistic researchers use translation and translators in order to find, compare and get acquainted with the words and grammar of their target language'. During the research, as long as a field language is used, translation is part of the research method. In researching a language which origins and superficial appearance are close to languages well-known to the researcher, the inclination he might feel to translate an apparent cognate in the target language with their phonemic lookalike in these languages he knows is understandable. This disposition might even be enhanced when, out of necessity, these languages are used as field languages during the research. However, when a field language closely related to the dialects or languages researched is used, and precisely when the lingual nature and traditions of ethnic groups with a divergent world view or with a different cultural awareness are the subjects under research, the researcher should consider the fact that these two last factors will have an impact on the use of language within its relation to the cultural and natural world of its speakers: their language describes their world, not our world or even the world. Therefore, in order to understand not only the semantics of the language of a group under study but also its deviant referential socio-psychological and cultural cadre, the instrument oftranslation must under certain conditions be abandoned to make place for a more holistic and even intuitive descriptive approach.


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How to Cite
Y de Groot, J. . (2013). Translation as an Instrument in Descriptive Linguistic Research. Tricks Played on and Pitfalls Encountered by Field Linguists: A Case Study of Urak Lawoi. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 3(1), 93–119. retrieved from
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