The Connection of Lin Yutang's Cultural Identity with His Source Text Selection and Translation Strategy

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Zhang Jianpingi


Mr. Lin Yutang (1895-1976) introduced the traditional Chinese culture to the English speaking world in English that is "at once their envy, admiration and despair". His works had a far-reaching significance as to be considered as authoritative writings on the oriental culture. His translation of the classical Chinese literature, infiltrates in his English writings, such as My Country and My People, The Importance of Living, The Wisdom of Confucius, to such an extent that his translations become inseparable parts of his writings.

This paper expounds Lin's translating and the underlying reasons for his success in translation. As a great literary figure, Lin Yutang had his explicit purpose for his translation, that is, to disseminate the essences oftraditional Chinese culture, especially the simple and idyllic way of life enjoying the beauty of nature and art, to the West. His translation is successful from the angle of cultural exchange for he has succeeded in communicating the cream of traditional Chinese culture to his target audiences with his trenchant English. Two elements led to his success, the meticulous selection of the source texts and applying domestication as translation strategy. This paper discusses Lin Yutang's translation purpose and its constraints on Lin's source text selection and translation strategy application.

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How to Cite
Jianpingi, Z. (2013). The Connection of Lin Yutang’s Cultural Identity with His Source Text Selection and Translation Strategy. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 3(1), 53–68. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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