Political Struggles in Thai Politics : Case of the Uses of Political Symbol by People's Alliance for Democracy in 2006

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Panittan Pichalai


This research, applying qualitative methodology in collecting primary data and in-depth interviwe, has a major objective to examine the process of using political symbols of PAD for political struggle in 2006.

The study finds that the PAD has been using political issues as communication means in order to convince the public to agree that "the government is annihilating three dominant institutions: Nation, Religion, and Monarchy, and that the PAD is functioning themselves protecting these institutions. To be more understanding, the PAD has inculcated this idea by producing many political symbols including mottos, songs, shirts, etc. These political symbols have been broadcasted repeatedly in various media to be the process of using political symbols of PAD to overthrow Taksin Shinawatra's government in 2006.

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How to Cite
Pichalai , P. . (2013). Political Struggles in Thai Politics : Case of the Uses of Political Symbol by People’s Alliance for Democracy in 2006. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 3(1), 13–28. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jis/article/view/246044
Research Articles
Author Biography

Panittan Pichalai , Political Science, Chulalongkorn University

Ph.D. candidate in Political Science


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