Some Suggestions on Localized Chinese Textbook Compiling: An Analysis of Basic Chinese

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Wang Shuhua
Artoe Mayoe


Basic Chinese is a series of local Chinese textbooks which have been better received than other kinds in Thailand. Through analyzing the sales volume, styles, texts, words, exercises, grammar, culture elements, the advantages and disadvantages of it, this paper
offers suggestions in compiling localized Chinese textbooks in Thailand on the following aspects. First, cooperation with the Chinese language teaching experts should be a prerequisite for high-quality local Chinese textbooks. Second, adaptive use of different pedagogies should be used to help teaching. Besides, contrastive analysis of Thai and Chinese may help to reflect the surface features and in-depth features of the localized textbooks in the composing parts of the textbooks. Furthermore, a Thai-Chinese corpus can ensure that localized textbooks are designed with proper difficulty. Also related supporting para-teaching materials should be devised and proper update should be made when new editions of the textbooks come out.

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How to Cite
Shuhua, W. ., & Mayoe, A. (2013). Some Suggestions on Localized Chinese Textbook Compiling: An Analysis of Basic Chinese. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 3(2), 89–105. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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