The Analysis of Chinese-Thai Identity & Cultural Imagination in Novel "Letters from Thailand"

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Tattanit Tongdaeng


This research was to 1) establish an understanding of the values of Chinese traditional culture and evolution of Chinese-Thai identity in Thai society during 1968 - 2012, through the analysis of the reception history of "Letters from Thailand"; 2) examine the external factors affecting the reception of readers, especially those in politics, history, and crossculture; 3) understand how the author's life affects her novel as well as other literatures highlighting the life of the Chinese population in Thailand. The research found that 1) the values of Chinese traditional culture in Thai society is gradually increasing its importance from being rejected and restricted by Thai government and Thai society to the "China Hot" in Thai society nowadays. So Chinese-Thai can express their cultural identity openly by
fusing the two cultures together, while they still define themselves as Thai citizens. Meanwhile, since Thai culture absorbs a lot of Chinese culture, it can be said that Chinese culture becomes a subculture or a branch of Thai culture. 2) The external factors mentioned above have direct effect on the reception of readers and the author's life strongly
affects her novel.

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How to Cite
Tongdaeng, T. . (2013). The Analysis of Chinese-Thai Identity & Cultural Imagination in Novel "Letters from Thailand". Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 3(2), 65–76. retrieved from
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