Literature Review on the Influence Mechanism of the Relationship Between the Organizational Innovation Climate and the Innovative Behavior of the Staff

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Thoranit Lilasetthakul


With an attempt to encourage both public and private organizations in Thailand to develop their organizational innovation climate, to strengthen the innovative behavior of the staff within the organizations, and thus the organizations can obtain some competitive advantages and be able to firmly participate in the ASEAN market, this paper has summarized some importance research results which emphasized the relationship between organizational innovation climate and the innovative behavior of the staff. This paper also discussed some factors that could mediate or strengthen the relationship between the two parties. Finally, some new research aspects in the related field were provided.

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How to Cite
Lilasetthakul, T. . (2013). Literature Review on the Influence Mechanism of the Relationship Between the Organizational Innovation Climate and the Innovative Behavior of the Staff. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 3(2), 27–40. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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