The Shamanic Ritual Specialists in the East Coast of Korea; An Hereditary or Shamanic Ritual Tradition?

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Hyunkyung JEONG


As Korean folk beliefs have been little studied in academic literature, Korean ritual specialists, or shamen, are also not wellknown. Therefore, it was necessary to do an ethnographic study in a village to figure out how they work. Based on a field observation conducted in 2007, a specific ritual tradition in East coast of the Korean peninsula has been studied. The observation has been carried out at certain villages in North Gyeongsang which have kept a shamanic ritual for the fishermen’s welfare in their villages. The ritual was performed by a troop of Seseubmudang, hereditary
shamans. An ethnographic approach is adopted to study the function of “hereditary” shamans and how they communicate with divinity even in their “normal” state. This article presents one of the East Coast ceremonies called byeolsin-gut through which this type of shaman can play an intermediary role for the benefit of the villagers.

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How to Cite
JEONG, H. . (2014). The Shamanic Ritual Specialists in the East Coast of Korea; An Hereditary or Shamanic Ritual Tradition?. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 4(1), 89–116. retrieved from
Academic Articles
Author Biography

Hyunkyung JEONG, the University Diderot (Paris VII) Humanities and Eastern Asia researcher associated with EHESS / CNRS UMR 8173, "China, Korea and Japan", Paris, France



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