Out-of-Class English Language Learning Activities: Beyond the Four-Wall Classroom to the Real-World Usage

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Atitaya Wiengnil


With a focus on the improvement of English language skills, some degree of extra exposure to authentic practice beyond the formal classroom setting is considered supportive to the realization of such a goal. Out-of-class English language learning activities lend themselves as a means by which we can exploit the benefits of engaging in motivating activities and improving the English language skills. This article aims to promote the use of out-of-class English language learning to yield language learners more opportunities to practice authentic language usage in natural situations. The emphasis is on identifying the advantages of out-of-class English language learning activities, the development of learning autonomy, and the interrelationship between motivation in learning the English language and the engagement in the out-of-class English language learning activities. Recommendations for how
academic institutions can adopt this strategy in their environment have also been made in order to maximize language learning achievements.

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How to Cite
Wiengnil, A. . (2014). Out-of-Class English Language Learning Activities: Beyond the Four-Wall Classroom to the Real-World Usage. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 4(1), 69–88. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jis/article/view/245901
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