An Exploration of Push & Pull Motivational Factors: A Case Study of Indian Wedding Couples in Phuket

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Nattinee McMillan
Tatiyaporn Jarumaneerat


This research aims to explore push and pull factors that influence the selection process of Indian wedding couples coming to Phuket. The theories of tourist decision making and the push-pull motivation theories are used as the theoretical basis of the study. Qualitative methodology has been used as the primary form of data collection. Twenty five semi–structured interview questions were conducted with seven Indian wedding couples, five parents of Indian wedding couples, seven Indian wedding organizers and six hotel representatives. The transcripts were analyzed by thematic content analysis. The results suggested the top three push factors were novelty, positive past experience in Phuket, and limitation of number of guests to be invited. On the other hand, three leading pull factors were beautiful scenery, convenient accessibility, and reputation and hotel experience. The results also indicated that Phuket's strengths were its recognized expertise in Indian weddings and the fact that Phuket offers excellent value for money. By contrast the limited capacity of venues for larger events remains the islands major weakness. Being a value for money destination and flexible with Indian traveller's requests, these are both key critical factors in maintaining the competitiveness of Phuket as an Indian wedding destination.

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How to Cite
McMillan, N. ., & Jarumaneerat, T. . (2014). An Exploration of Push & Pull Motivational Factors: A Case Study of Indian Wedding Couples in Phuket. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 4(2), 133–156. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Nattinee McMillan, Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus


Tatiyaporn Jarumaneerat, Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus

Hospitality Management Research Unit (HMRU)


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