Thematic Progression in Tai Dam Ritual Procedural Texts

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Sirinda Osiri


This study draws on a framework of Functional Sentence Perspective (FSP) which was developed by Daneš (1974). Tai Dam ritual procedural texts were analyzed within a scope of thematic progression. The objective of this study is to study thematic progression in Tai Dam ritual procedural texts. Nine texts were collected from Tai Dam ritual masters.

The results revealed that there are three patterns of thematic progression found in Tai Dam ritual procedural texts: (1) constant thematic progression (70.6%), (2) simple linear thematic progression (29.2%) and (3) split Rheme pattern (0.2%). Primarily, the selected texts are developed by the selection of Process Theme (or action verb) which plays significant role in ritual meaning.

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How to Cite
Osiri, S. (2014). Thematic Progression in Tai Dam Ritual Procedural Texts. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 4(2), 101–132. retrieved from
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