The Role of Local Government to Encourage Fujian Identity Transmission in Phuket Province
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The purposes of this research are: 1) to study the characteristics and the factors of Fujian-Thai people’s cultural communication that affect intergenerational transmission of Fujian identity, 2) to study the role of the local government in policy making to promote intergenerational transmission of Fujian identity in Phuket, and 3) to investigate the good practices of the Phuket local government in the intergenerational transmission promotion.
The research results revealed a statistically significant positive correlation between the characteristics and the factors of cultural communication influencing intergenerational transmission of Fujian identity. The local government formulated policies, development plans, and annual operational plans pertaining to intergenerational transmission of Fujian identity. Three good-practice projects of the local government were the Phuket Municipality’s project of local tradition preservation (Portor), the Kathu Municipality’s project of the Vegetarian Festival, and the Korkaew Sub-district Administrative Organization’s project
Important issues found from the research are the administration’s vision, systematic and consistent management of local culture, and local cultural identity which is a good role model for any operation related to culture.
The research findings demonstrated that people wanted the local government to widely promote and support Fujian art and culture, using symbolic communication and transmission which takes values, beliefs, and rituals into consideration. Additionally, the local government should put emphasis on sustainable preservation
of Fujian art and culture, as well as Fujian identity.
of the Vegetarian Festival.
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