The effect of social variables on language shifts
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This article analyzes the relationship between linguistic variables and social variables in order to determine which social factors affect language change. It also considers and responds to issues raised in previous studies on whether language shifts are a result of social variables. Social variables are important factors involved in language shifts. There are variations according to a speaker's age, gender, stratification, and ethnicity. Social contexts such as the relationship between speakers and listeners, circumstances, topics, purpose, communicative ways, and culture, also play an important role in language change. It can be seen that language can be shifted from one to another. Thus, the phenomenon of language shifts can be explained by considering social contexts which reflect the changes in society. Within this context, the language users themselves must understand the nature of language and recognize their language roles in order to prevent a loss or even extinction of their own language. Therefore, understanding the nature of language can be an effective way to preserve one's native language.
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