The Character of the Thai Usage in Essay Writing of Students at College of music, Mahidol University

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Supawarat Chalermsub


The purposes of this research was to study Thai language usage in term of word usage, sentences structure and rhetorical modes in the essay writing of students of the College of Music, Mahidol University. The data used in this study consisted of 143 essays of 166 students enrolled in the academic year 2/2562, with the essay subject being "Musician career and Thai society".

From the research results, it was shown as follows: For word usage, there were 9  types of word usage employed by the students: spoken words, spelling mistakes, loan word, English words, redundancy, repetition, slang, wrong meaning words and conflicting words. For sentences, there are 3 types of use, complete and incomplete sentences, incorrect word order, and sentence with foreign idiomatic expressions. For rhetorical modes in essay writing, there are 5 types of rhetoric modes: narrations, exemplifications, similes, instructions and descriptions.


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How to Cite
Chalermsub, S. . (2020). The Character of the Thai Usage in Essay Writing of Students at College of music, Mahidol University. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 10(2), 169–188. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Supawarat Chalermsub, College of music, Mahidol University



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