Service Quality and Satisfaction of Chinese Wellness tourists

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Assist. Prof. Nareeya Weerakit, Ph.D.
Phitchayapron Poom a phinunt


The objectives of this study were to assess the expectation and satisfaction toward health service quality factors and investigate the relationship between service quality factors and overall satisfaction and the likelihood to return for Chinese health tourists in Phuket. Questionnaire was used to collect data from 410 Chinese health tourists in Phuket. Convenience Sampling was utilized. The results showed that the majority of Chinese health tourists were female, in the age of 20-37 years old, first time visitors for health tourism in Thailand with the average range of stay at 1 – 2 weeks. Most of them use both medical and wellness services while staying in Phuket. The most popular medical service for Chinese health tourists was anti-aging and the most popular wellness service was spa. When compare the expectation and satisfaction toward 5 service quality factors, the results found that the expectation is higher than satisfaction in products and services, price and place while the expectation is lower than satisfaction in personnel. Additionally, there was no significant difference between expectation and satisfaction in physical environment. Lastly, there was a positive relationship between service quality and the overall satisfaction and there was also a positive relationship between service quality and the likelihood to return. Out of 5 factors, physical environment and price showed the highest influence on both the overall satisfaction and the likelihood to return.

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How to Cite
Weerakit, N., & Poom a phinunt, P. (2020). Service Quality and Satisfaction of Chinese Wellness tourists. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 10(1), 29–52. retrieved from
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