The Study of Thai Tourists Motivation and Behavior to Travel at Talad Noi Community, Bangkok

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Saranya Srithong, Ph.D.
Nuttakan Khumkor
Tassawan Thangsittichok
Thunyaporn Kraisuwansarn


The purposes of this research were to study Thai tourists’ motivation and behavior to travel at Talad Noi Community, Bangkok, Thailand and the tourism components for attractions development. This research was the mixed-method research that included quantitative research and qualitative research.   The samples were 246 Thai tourists and 5 tourist stakeholder. The questionnaire and Semi-structured interview were used as survey tools. Quantitative data were analyzed statistically by using frequency, percentage, means and standard deviation and qualitative data were analyzed by interpretation.

The results were as follow; The most visitors were female tourists as 64.2% and age 18 – 24 years old as 42.7%, Bachelor degree employees who had income less than 15,000 baht as 70.3%, traveling this attraction for the first time as 66.3% and 69.9% were travel with friend. The main reasons for their trips were photographing as 33.9% and visiting Talad Noi community museum as 19.2%. Most of tourists wanted to visit this place again as 95.9%. The majority of respondents had high level in all motivation aspects including physical (= 4.08), cultural ( = 3.85), and interpersonal motivation ( = 3.79) excepted status and prestige motivation was in moderate level (= 3.35). Talad Noi tourism’s components were founded the local community has just initiated into tourism with disorganized management. Therefore, the government sector should support tourism facilities to develop the sustainable tourism.

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How to Cite
Srithong, S., Khumkor, N., Thangsittichok, T., & Kraisuwansarn, T. (2021). The Study of Thai Tourists Motivation and Behavior to Travel at Talad Noi Community, Bangkok. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 11(1), 101–133. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Nuttakan Khumkor, Integrated Tourism Management Innovation Program, Faculty of Environmental Culture and Ecotourism, Srinakharinwirot University

Bachelor Students

Tassawan Thangsittichok, Integrated Tourism Management Innovation Program, Faculty of Environmental Culture and Ecotourism, Srinakharinwirot University

Bachelor Students

Thunyaporn Kraisuwansarn, Integrated Tourism Management Innovation Program, Faculty of Environmental Culture and Ecotourism, Srinakharinwirot University

Bachelor Students


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