Evaluation of Indonesian Language Teaching and Learning for BIPA Students in Thailand

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Salahuding Seni
Wathanan Srinin
Nurhadi M. Hum


Thailand and Indonesia have a good relationship, especially in cooperation in education and culture. Indonesia has a distinctive culture among ASEAN countries. Due to the foundation of religious strength and population that conserve and preserve local traditions and culture; so as many countries are interested in Indonesia. Including Thailand is a good neighboring country with Indonesia, Causing a small number of Thai people, especially the lower southern region; who are interested in learning Indonesian culture and language. The author conducted survey studies from various universities and high schools in the lower southern part of Thailand. This is teaching Indonesian language for students or the management of Indonesian language for foreigners (BIPA). There are the following topics: 1) Indonesian language teaching 2) Indonesian language teaching system 3) Indonesian language teaching media and 4) Indonesian language teaching content to support the future growth of the Indonesian group and the expansion of tourism economy in the ASEAN community.




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How to Cite
Seni, S., Srinin, W., & Hum, N. M. (2019). Evaluation of Indonesian Language Teaching and Learning for BIPA Students in Thailand. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 9(2), 114–130. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jis/article/view/232041
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