Chinese food culture in wedding party of the Thai Chinese in Betong District, Yala Province, Thailand

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Nareerat Watthanawelu


This research is emphasis on a study of Chinese food and culture which reflected through Chinese foods in wedding party of the Thai Chinese in Betong District, Yala Province. The data used in this research were collected from article, interview, and observation. In this study, five Thai-Chinese people which born and lived in Betong District were selected as the interviewees. All interviewees also have a good knowledge about Chinese foods and cultures. In this research, it can be observed that Chinese foods in wedding party consists of appetizer, main dishes, sweet and fruits, and drinks.

From this study, five Chinese cultures reflected from foods in wedding party are considered and the result has shown as following: (1) Culture in beliefs reflecting the most fortune, (2) Culture in economics, it can be found that foods and drinks (spirits) are used to judge the economics status of the party host, (3) The culture in social relations aspect has reflected in two levels of social relations, both are family and kin relations and relations with other members in the community for helping each other and having unity, (4) Culture of consumption, it reflecting the beneficial foods, usually with a mild taste, art of arranging different foods to reduce the greasy, and including dining courtesy representing a respect for elders, and (5) Culture in language, it can be observed that the use of both spoken and written languages reflected through the name of foods.

Finally, it can be concluded that these foods and cultures are valuable and useful for partici- pants in term of mental, physical, family and relatives, social, economic and travel. The factors that make these foods and cultures still retain its identity in this study area are geography, ethnicity, resources and population.

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How to Cite
Watthanawelu, N. (2018). Chinese food culture in wedding party of the Thai Chinese in Betong District, Yala Province, Thailand. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 8(2), 145–171. retrieved from
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