Problems in French Nasal Vowel Pronunciation of Secondary Schools Learners in Fourteen Southern Provinces of Thailand

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Assist. Prof. Sirima Purinthrapibal, Ph.D.


This research aimed to study problems in French nasal vowel pronunciation of secondary schools learners in fourteen southern provinces. The sample was 278 upper secondary schools students (grade 5 and 6) studying French in the academic year 2013 in 14 southern provinces. They were randomly selected from the total population of 2,780 students. The instrument used for data collection was a French pronunciation test consisting of two parts: words pronunciation test including 65 words and 45 minimal pair words pronunciation test. Each student had 5 minutes for pronunciation practice, after which the pronunciation test was recorded and verified by the native speaker for correctness. The data were then analyzed by percentage. The results of this study showed that French nasal vowels (/9~/, /O~/, /E~~/, /A~/) constituted one of many pronunciation problems to secondary schools learners. The main cause of this difficulty is that nasal vowels do not exist in Thai language. To pronounce these vowels, these learners realized phonological transfer by pronouncing one of these vowels /7/, /o/, /E/, /O/ followed by Thai nasal consonant /N/ in the final position in French word. And also, these students used English pronunciation to pronounce similar French words.



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How to Cite
Purinthrapibal, S. . (2018). Problems in French Nasal Vowel Pronunciation of Secondary Schools Learners in Fourteen Southern Provinces of Thailand. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 8(2), 172–194. retrieved from
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