The Study of Elderly's Experiences in Participating Music Activities using Bamboo Bell

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Vich Boonrod
Pornpan Kaenampornpan
Patravoot Vatanasapt


The purpose of this research was to study the elderly’s experiences in participating music activities. Music activities mainly involved with learning how to play the new instruments which developed by the researcher. The instrument is called “Bamboo Bell”. Phenomenology method was used in this research. The inclusion criteria was the
elderly age between 60 – 75 years old, they were able to help themselves, able to use at least one arm and their physical ability was not as barrier toparticipate this activity. Eight elderly from Nong Wang Trachue 2 community were interviewed. There were three main themes in the interview which included 1) the elderly’s opinion on musical instrument 2) the elderly’s opinion on music activity and 3) the elderly’s opinion on participation music activities with the others. All the interviews were transcribed and analyzed by using Colaizzi’s method.
The results of this study indicated that the elderly had preferred the features of this instrument size, shape, material, color and sound. Bamboo Bell was easily to use and helpful for the elderly to be relaxed and enjoyed during playing the instrument. For the elderly’s opinion on music activity indicated that most of the elderly satisfied with this music activity because it was an activity that reinforced their quality of life as well as physical, concentration and socialization. The songs which used in the activities had simple melody and rhythm therefore they were easy to remember. Moreover, results of the elderly’s opinion on participating the music activity with the other participants found that the elderly satisfied with engaging in the activity together with the other elderly as it was encouraged social interaction between people in community and provided opportunity people taking, meeting, interacting with the others and helped the elderly had good quality of life.


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How to Cite
Boonrod, V., Kaenampornpan, P. ., & Vatanasapt, P. (2018). The Study of Elderly’s Experiences in Participating Music Activities using Bamboo Bell. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 8(1), 81–106. retrieved from
Research Articles


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