Management towards Buddhist Meditation Tourism in Central Isan: A case of Khon kean and Mahasarakham Province

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Asst. Prof. Chalong Phanchan, Ph.D.


This research aims to study the concept of Buddhist meditation practice, to evaluate Management potentials and Buddhist meditation touristic activities in the Central Isan: Case of Khon Kaen and Mahasarakham provinces. The research was completed by applying mixed research methods: quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative survey was employed to collect information from 400 samples. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics: percentage, mean, and standard deviation. For qualitative research, an analysis was conducted by using data attained from in-depth interview schedule and participant observation with 30 participants. Both data were analyzed for content and data with descriptive statistics.
There were 4 findings in the concept of Buddhist meditation practice in the Central Isan: 1) “Bud-dho”, 2) “Yub-Phong”, 3) “Movement” and 4) “Goenka. The management potential of the area is unique in the course of Buddhist meditation practice for both Thais and international programs. There are a variety of practice diaries ranging from 3 to 30 days and have a clear pattern of practice. The most popular tourist activities are the Buddhist meditation practice, the Buddha worship and chanting. The tourists spend 1-3 days for tourism.

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How to Cite
Phanchan, C. (2018). Management towards Buddhist Meditation Tourism in Central Isan: A case of Khon kean and Mahasarakham Province. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 8(1), 125–146. retrieved from
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