The Polysemic of 잡다 /ʧaptʼa/ In the Korean Textbook for Foreign Learners

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Netima Burapasiriwat


The objectives of this paper are 1) to study the frequency of the usage of polysemic word 잡다/ʧaptʼa/ and 2) toprioritize teaching plan forpolysemic word.  This study collects the data from secondary resources (i.e.  Dictionary of Semantic Frequency and 37 selected textbooks of Korean from 6 presses).  The words 잡다 /ʧaptʼa/ occurring in the text are all collected to analyze its frequency, contribution, context, and meanings.  The frequency of usage is sorted by descending order.

The result of this study reveals that the word 잡다/ʧaptʼa/ polysemically consists of 25 meanings. Only 13 meanings are frequently used in the resources, and necessary for students. However, 12 meanings do not play an important role for their learning.  In terms of the priority of teaching arrangement, this study finds that 4 meanings, which share the semantic concept, should be taught in primary level. 6 meanings should be provided in mediate level. In advanced level, only 3 meanings are less frequently used. 

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How to Cite
Burapasiriwat, N. . (2018). The Polysemic of 잡다 /ʧaptʼa/ In the Korean Textbook for Foreign Learners. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 8(1), 227–248. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Netima Burapasiriwat, Faculty of International Studies Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus



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