Advantages and Contributions of Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia —Take Koh Hong Beng and Khaw Sim Bee as Examples
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Koh Hong Beng and Khaw Sim Bee were two outstanding representatives of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia. Both of them were born in Southeast Asia in 1850s, and at their time, in the tide of the times of learning from the West, Koh Hong Beng spared no effort to introduce China's fine traditional culture to the Western World by means of translation, writing and diplomacy; Khaw Sim Bee was receptive to the Western culture and advanced systems, contributing a lot to the social and economic development of southern Siam. They reflected the unique advantages of the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia and their outstanding role in the international exchanges and cooperation. Nowadays, ASEAN countries are in key positions of China-proposed “B & R” initiative, while the exchanges and cooperation between China and Southeast Asian countries are getting closer. So the study of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia has its practical significance. Adopting historical study and qualitative analysis of literature as the major methodology, this paper aims to take the history as a mirror, and leads to the conclusion that the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia have advantages of cultural tolerance, economic strength and organizational network, by which they will not only play an important role in promoting the “B & R” initiative, but inject new positive energy into the regional and global development.
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