A comparative study of directional complements in Chinese and Thai languages: “进 (jìn)”group and“เข้า (khaˆw)”group

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Yupin Karanyadech


The purpose of this article is to compare the directional complements in Chinese: “进 (jìn)”group and the directional complements in Thai: “เข้า (khaˆw)”group by using the theory of cognitive linguistics. Through the comparison we found according to their grammatical meanings; they have the same directional meaning and different result meaning. Besides, “进 (jìn)”group has figurative expressions, but “เข้า (khaˆw)” group has not.  Where as “เข้า (khaˆw)” group has the state meanings and can be used in a few idioms, but “进 (jìn)”group cannot. According to our database, some adjectives and verbs can be only collocated with “เข้า (khaˆw)”group, but cannot be collocated with “进 (jìn)”group.   In addition, regarding the corresponding forms, “เข้า (khaˆw:进)” group has more than “进 (jìn)” group.  The corresponding relationships are related to the grammatical meanings, the central sense, the standpoint, the view of attention, and the prominence view wihich can create different or even the same conditions.

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How to Cite
Karanyadech, Y. (2018). A comparative study of directional complements in Chinese and Thai languages: “进 (jìn)”group and“เข้า (khaˆw)”group. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 6(2), 295–315. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jis/article/view/114536
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