Designing The Street Market Model of Rawai District, Phuket

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Teerathorn Lamnaokrut


This research aimed to 1) survey the Rawai community in Phuket and explore needs of the locals, business owners, and tourists, 2) examine problems found from and suggestions for the street market organization, and 3) design the street market model of Rawai District, Phuket. 

Research participants consisted of 25 tourism and cultural operators, local community leaders, and Thai wisdom scholars; 205 local residents of Rawai District, business owners, local administrations, and 70 tourists in Rawai.

Research findings revealed that all groups of the participants were in agreement that it is necessary to held a street market in Rawai District to provide visitors with an alternative tourist place and to attract more visitors to Rawai District. By so doing, it will increase both job opportunities and the locals’ income which will help strengthen the Rawai Community. In addition, community enterprises and tourism will be promoted. A street market is a new type of tourist attractions where local ways of life and culture are demonstrated through a variety of events and activities such as local product stalls, food and dessert stalls, performances of local art and culture, and demonstrations of community enterprises’ products.

However, several organizational problems including setting, management, traffic, parking spaces, security, advertisement, and sanitation arose. Therefore, there was public hearing to find solutions to such problems, and it was suggested that Rawai District include a street market project in life quality and tourism development plan of the next fiscal year so that its development can be run in parallel with the policy of Rawai District Furthermore, cooperation from both local residents and government sectors as well as private sectors are also keys to the success of the street market organization.

Three ethnic groups which are the Buddhist, the Muslim and the Sea-Gypsy residing in Rawai District were taken into consideration when designing the model of Rawai street market. This model divides the market into different zones; Zone A sells general products, Zone B is for local souvenirs, OTOP products, and local community enterprises’ products, Zone C is for local Thai, Muslim, and Sea-Gypsy’s cuisines as well as international food, and Zone D is reserved for cultural events and dining tables. Also, the Buddhist, the Muslim, the Sea-Gypsy, and other foreign settlers who live in Rawai District will be encouraged to participate in events and activities there, so the place can develop its own character and uniqueness.

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How to Cite
Lamnaokrut, T. (2018). Designing The Street Market Model of Rawai District, Phuket. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 6(2), 110–135. Retrieved from
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