Storytelling: Tradition of fishermen in a boat floating island, Koh Siray, Phuket

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Kitimaporn Choochote


Belief and faith of fishermen about the ceremony in the tradition of fishermen in a boat floating island are to be free from sin and the cast lots of occupation. In other words, the boat floating island is determinate that they will fortunate or poor of occupation by observing from the boat, if the boat leaves from the beach. That means the fishermen will be lucky and will catch as many fish and for a living would not suffer. In another hand, if the boat comes back to the beach. That means the fishermen will suffer from the natural disaster or have an accident of life.


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How to Cite
Choochote, K. (2018). Storytelling: Tradition of fishermen in a boat floating island, Koh Siray, Phuket. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 6(2), 185–207. retrieved from
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