The potential of Thai rubber export in China’s market

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Chanoknon Thongkhow


The aim of this research were to study of the situation Thailand natural rubber exporting to People’s Republic of China market and to investigate the significant competitor in natural rubber export of Thailand to People’s Republic of China market

This study employs the Reveal Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Market Share (MS) by using yearly data for computing shares in the average RCA and MS during the period 2005-2014 Thailand and Indonesia are the studied case.

The result of this study showed that revealed comparative advantage and market share was continuously increasing. The most increasing demand would come from China. People’s Republic of China was a country, which had the highest demand for using natural rubber in the world and also had an upward trend because of its economics situation expansion.

The studied RCA analysis found that Thailand and Indonesia rubbers exporting have advantage indicated by the result of more than 1. With respect to the MS analysis found that Thailand has market share in China market more than Indonesia.

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How to Cite
Thongkhow, C. (2018). The potential of Thai rubber export in China’s market. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 6(2), 26–45. retrieved from
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