Analysis the forms of four-syllable word evolue into two syllables in Chinese

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Naris Wasinanon
Sukanya Wasinanon


This article analyzes how the forms of four-syllable word evolue into two syllables in Chinese today. The purpose of the study is to study the structure of the original phrase, the relationship between the arrangements and patterns of two-syllable word as well as the features of two-syllable words. It benefits Chinese teaching to understand the origin and use of two-syllable words better.

The analysis finds that there are three kinds of structures of two syllable words that originate from four syllables, 1) Combination 2) Subbordination 3) V-N There are eigth forms of arrangement of two-syllables and the original words or phrases, they are 1. AC  2. AD  3. BD  4. BC  5. AB/CD  6. CA 7. CB and 8. DA. These eigth forms are almost the same with the exception of the opposite, CA, CB, DA phrases which is rather rare.  Two-syllable acronyms originating from the four-syllable words consist of two words that both can represent the whole meaning.

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How to Cite
Wasinanon, N., & Wasinanon, S. (2017). Analysis the forms of four-syllable word evolue into two syllables in Chinese. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 7(1), 94–104. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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